Friday, January 2, 2009

Most Magical New Years Yet!

Happy New Years!!! All the best in 2009 everybody!

I rang in the New Year with thousands of Sikhs at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. It definitely goes down in my books at the most magical New Years yet. My train from Agra to Amritsar was late (well and initially I hopped on the wrong one! but got it sorted out and got on the right one shortly afterwards). It was about a 14 hour journey...but it was worth it...I arrived at about 10:30 pm and was lucky enough to get a room at the "Lucky" hotel in Amritsar...EVERYTHING was booked solid...many Sikhs throughout India come here for New Years...but they just let me use this room that they were doing a bit of construction on (i.e. no was LOUD on NYrs night!). I made it to the golden temple complex at about 11:30 pm and not realizing that I was right there, saw a stall selling hot milk tea (VERY VERY yummy...with ginger and cardamom) and biscuits. It's cold here and I go right to the stall and ask "how much?" "No no no! It's Free!" They say. Then realize I'm at the Golden Temple Complex. There are entries from all 4 sides of the complex, indicating that ANYBODY, any religion, any colour, class, creed, welcome. The Golden Temple is extremely efficient...they have shoe stalls with boxes (you get a coin sized piece of metal with your number on it) to leave your shoes then walk barefoot into the complex. There is a 24 hour cafeteria free to all and again open to absolutely anybody.

Once inside, the golden temple is all lit up and it's just packed full of Sikhs, thousands of them. I see a few foreigners as well...4 or so...but pretty much we're a novelty. All sorts of people come up and shake my hand "Happy New Year" "Happy New Year." They chant something like "Bole Sohn Nahal, Sat Sri Akal." Meaning something like "Happiness to you, you're welcome." Somebody tried to explain that before I went in.

Just after midnight, they hand out more food...paranthas...deep fried toast basically. There wasn't really a countdown, but fireworks were let off sporatically through the night...from 11:30 til 12:30 or so. No big displays.

Love Amritsar though, I am getting even more attention here, not sure why there are so few foreigners, it's a really amazing place. But everybody either wants their pic with me or wants me to take their pic... :) They're hilarious. Most everyone is extremely kind and helpful, I have several addresses and phone numbers of places and people to stay with if I ever have the time.

Will try to get some pics uploaded soon...headed to Chandigarh tomorrow though.

Happy New Year!!!


Steve said...

Hey Erin,

Sounds like you're having a blast ! Amazing pics by the way :) Maybe all that high altitude training will give you an edge during Silverspoon ;p

Happy New Year,

Unknown said...

hi Erin,


Great that you are enjoying your time in India


Erin said...

Steve - More importantly will help me get through the marathon, I ran 20 mins yesterday and I suspect that might be about all I do! It's 9 days away now! I meant to do a 20 miler 3 weeks out but got sick. Anyways, I'll practise double polling during the marathon...make everybody wonder what the heck the blonde Canadian is doing! :)

Love your country Amar, truly do...will definitely be back.